
Dear friends!
We are glad to welcome you on pages of our church!

There is church “Redemption” in Petropavlovsk city during 10 years which is successfully developing. We pay attention to people of different ages. Our church has children’s service. Our youth’s service has its meetings once every week. Women of all ages have services every wednesday and thursday. We pay great attention to the members of our church-consultations for different questions:parenting, relationship in marriage and so on. Home groups service unites the believers according territory and interests. We are glad to everyone who comes to our church! You can come to us with all your family and no one leaves forgotten because one of leading qualities of our church is care about each other!

Petropavlovsk city “Redemption” church bases it’s work on The Bible only. We love to worship God, waiting for His presence and highly value the force of the Holy spirit. If you visit our church you will see that the Bible, worship and anointing of the Holy spirit play great role in everyone’s lives.

It is very important for us to care about each other-the Bible teaches us to do so, and we are trying to show Jesus Christ’s love. Of course, we are all people, and we cannot understand all great love which Christ loved us but we all try day by day week by week to know God more and be more like Him.

Sermons in our church are well prepared, thought and made on base of Bible. You can feel God’s presence while listening to sermons. You can find answers on many questions. Christians in our church can grow spiritually and find their answers. In the first Epistle to the Corinthians the Apostle Paul tells us to love each other. Love towards our neighbor is our main goal and we are showing Christ’s love by our deeds.

We invite you to visit our Sunday Service
Each Sunday at 11a.m.
Our address: Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk,Partizanskaya street 44
Pastor: Vadim Arsent’ev
Contact phone numbers:
8 (7152) 53-24-61
8 (705) 101-75-32
e-mail: churchosvobozhdenie@mail.ru

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Наши видеоролики

Христианская Церковь “Освобождение”  Христианский Центр Восстановления (г. Боголюбово) Свадьба Стаса и Нины, Антон Рахимов Глобальный лидерский саммит 2012 года, церковь “Освобождение” 4 года молодежному служению, Екатерина и Антон Рахимовы Клип на рождественскую песню “Пред Тобою стоим”, Молодежное служение и Антон Рахимов Мини релиз новой хвалы “Славлю”, Александр Александров и Антон Рахимов Фильм “Жатва” 2012, Антон Рахимов Поздравление на свадьбу от молодежного служения, Антон Рахимов Пасха […]

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Исповедание веры

Исповедание веры Церкви христиан веры евангельской Священное писание Мы верим, что: — Библия есть истинно Слово Божие (2-е Посл. к Тимофею 3 : 16; 2-е Посл. Петра 1 : 20-21). Священное Писание, дано нам в 66 канонических книгах Ветхого и Нового Заветов — дословно богодухновенное, не подлежащее изменению откровение Бога; — Священное Писание, представляя высшую и окончательную истину, является самым авторитетным правилом веры и поведения, но […]

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Служение проходит по адресу: РК, Северо-Казахстанская область, г. Петропавловск, ул. Партизанская, 44 Телефоны: 8 (7152) 53-24-61 8 (705) 101-75-32 e-mail: churchosvobozhdenie@mail.ru             Вы можете написать нам: Нравится

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Children’s worship

We meet your children with smile! First, they sing and dance merrily. Kids love it! In addition to the entertainment program, children learn Bible lessons, which are easy to learn for their age using instructive examples. Stories from the Bible teach them kindness, love, courage and inspire confidence in the future. Our teachers spend developing games, contests, also children carved crafts for their parents. So, […]

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A prayer service

Jesus said:”My house shall be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). Prayer is one of the main components of the church service. Prayer enables God to legally act on this Earth. Today we see much need for prayer and intercessor. Our cities, villages, relatives and friends, the government, authorities, churches, pastors, and so we are in need of prayer each other. “Pray for one […]

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Sunday worship

Petropavlovsk Church “Redemption” bases its work only on God’s Word. We love to worship the Lord and expect of His presence and appreciate the power of the Holy Spirit. By visiting our church you’ll be able to make sure that the Bible, worship and the anointing of the Holy Spirit play great role in the life of each of us. It is important for us […]

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Служение проходит по адресу:

РК, Северо-Казахстанская область,

г. Петропавловск, ул. Партизанская, 44


8 (7152) 53-24-61

8 (705) 101-75-32

e-mail: churchosvobozhdenie@mail.ru






ulica partizanskaya

г. Петропавловск, кафе “Кимчи”, ул. Партизанская/Жумабаева






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