Female worship

cf6vsjmwjeeWomen’s service is becoming more actual nowadays. God promised to pour out His Spirit on women:” Even upon My bond-slaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of My Spirit And they shall prophesy” (Acts 2:18). This prophecy has come true, we see, as it happens in our church. Women’s service helps each of us to find friends, to receive emotional healing, encouragement and support. God works with us, he restores the family, women tend to become wives and mothers at the Heart of God, get wise advices on parenting. There are unmarried girls among us, they will learn how to choose the right mate and get prepared for future marriage.
Women’s service
Our adress: Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk,Partizanskaya street 44
Every thursday at 7:30 p.m.
Our phone number: 8(705) 1017531
We will be glad to see you on our women’s service!

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